Geonik's Gate

by George Nicolaidis


The Gate, also known as Expander, increases the dynamic range of a signal such that low level signals are attenuated while the louder portions are neither attenuated or amplified. This behavior is opposite to that of the compressor.

What's new

Release 1 Initial release


P a r a m e t e r s

Threshold The input level after which the signal is attenuated
Compression Ratio The amount of expansion that is applied. This is telling you that while the input is below the threshold, a change in the input level produces a change in the output that is two times, four times, etc, as large. So with a 4:1 expansion ratio (with the input level below the threshold), a dip of 3 dB in the input will produce a drop of 12 dB in the output. When an expander is used with extreme settings where the input/output characteristic becomes almost vertical below the threshold (say, and expansion ratio larger than 10:1), it is often called a noise gate.
Attack Time The amount of time the expander takes to respond when the input level rises above the threshold
Release Time The time taken for the expander to reduce its gain after the input drops below the threshold


Should work fine. Enjoy, and drop a mail if you have comments / bug reports


If you like and use Geonik's plugins, you can support the author by sending any amount of cash (in any currency) to the following address

George Nicolaidis
31, Agathoupoleos str.
54636 Thessaloniki

Contact Information

Author George Nicolaidis